Normalfag bingo

My age alone disqualifies me for most of those boxes. I turned 16 last week, alright? Obviously I never had a girlfriend, havent drunk alcohol (its illegal, ... Anonymous 2016-05-28 16:03:43 Post No.60014541 [Report]. File: loser bingo.png (279 KB, 640x672) Image search: [Google] · loser bingo.png. 279 KB, 640x672. ... so I decided to divine the obedient Kobato-chan first—— Bingo. ... Only that part of the bus had the same normalfag atmosphere as ever.

gdje se na cesti postavljaju prometni znakovi izričitih naredaba?što je autizam kod djecediskografska nagradapapalica igranfl klađenjeminecraft bingo mapkako samljeti suhe smokvemaltezer na poklon paskako kupiti grobno mjestošto je masa vozila

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